Woman From Georgia Drives To Alabama To Adopt A Talkative Shelter Cat Who Becomes Her Best Buddy

Woman From Georgia Drives To Alabama To Adopt A Talkative Shelter Cat Who Becomes Her Best Buddy

Woman From Georgia Drives To Alabama To Adopt A Talkative Shelter Cat Who Becomes Her Best Buddy

Woman From Georgia Drives To Alabama To Adopt A Talkative Shelter Cat Who Becomes Her Best BuddyWoman From Georgia Drives To Alabama To Adopt A Talkative Shelter Cat Who Becomes Her Best Buddy

Jenn from Georgia, who grew up with dogs, never imagined she would one day become a proud cat mom. 

Yet, it took just one look at Birdie’s picture online for her to fall head over heels and drive all the way to Alabama to adopt him. It sounds like a fairy tale, which is often what living with felines feels like!

cat on stairscat on stairs
Credit: seeminglyabsurd

According to Jenn, Birdie was found roaming the streets by members of an Alabama-based animal rescue organization. They brought him to the nearest shelter, which gladly took the poor guy in, providing him with a roof over his head. 

A couple of days later, Birdie was adopted, much to everyone’s delight. Unfortunately, his luck didn’t last as he was returned to the shelter shortly afterward due to personal reasons of the adopter.

cat walks on the terracecat walks on the terrace
Credit: seeminglyabsurd

Birdie was in and out of the shelter several times, struggling to find his forever home. During one stay at the shelter, he suffered a minor injury when his tail got pinched by a recliner chair. 

This injury, coupled with being returned multiple times, left him feeling sad and lost – until his savior finally came along.

fluffy catfluffy cat
Credit: seeminglyabsurd

When Jenn saw Birdie’s picture online, she instantly fell in love. His scruffy little face captured her heart and mind, leaving her unable to stop thinking about him. She knew deep down she had to adopt him. She said:

“I was like, ‘He’s mine. I’m bringing him home with me.’”

She contacted Birdie’s shelter and arranged the adoption, but as she lived and worked in Georgia, she had to drive all the way to Alabama to pick him up. However, Jenn never saw this as a problem – she knew Birdie was worth the trip!

cat watching upcat watching up
Credit: seeminglyabsurd

I believe little Birdie was relieved once he realized he was never returning to the shelter. I can almost picture him bracing himself as Jenn put him in the cat carrier, perhaps fearing another return to the shelter as had happened several times before. 

But when he realized he wasn’t going anywhere – and that his human was pretty cool – he completely blossomed! 

From a sad, scruffy shelter cat, he transformed into the silliest and most affectionate kitty ever.

big cat relaxingbig cat relaxing
Credit: seeminglyabsurd

Not long after Birdie made himself comfortable in Jenn’s home, she discovered that her new furry roommate was quite talkative. Imagine her surprise when she found out she could have a full-on conversation with him. She said:

“He talks all the time. He chirps back at me when I talk to him, and it sounds like he’s answering you. He changes the way he answers.”

According to her, Birdie also loves to chat with birds through the window, which is likely how this chatty kitty got his adorable name.

When talking about Birdie, Jenn always speaks with such tenderness and love. She says that he’s her little buddy with the best personality. He’s super affectionate and never misses an opportunity to make her smile. 

“He always sleeps next to me. He just cuddles next to me, he sleeps on my lap. I always tell him I love him the most, he is my favorite.”

cat sleepingcat sleeping
Credit: seeminglyabsurd

Many of Jenn’s friends have noted that Birdie has a playful, dog-like personality, which, in my opinion, worked perfectly for Jenn who had previously only had dogs in her life. 

Just imagine if she, a first-time cat mom, had ended up with an angry, unfriendly feline. Not the best first experience, right? 

But thankfully, she got the sweet Birdie!

cat in a boxcat in a box
Credit: seeminglyabsurd

Besides talking, Birdie has many other charming habits, like hoarding toys, lounging in cardboard boxes, and scratching the duvet. 

And recently, he added playing with a sibling to the list! Yes, you read that right! Sweet Birdie inspired his mom Jenn to start fostering kittens. How wonderful is that?

Jenn says she doesn’t know what she would do without Birdie – and I think many cat parents would say the same about their feline companions. 

They hold such a dear place in our hearts and lives that losing them would feel like losing so much more than just a pet. 

Thankfully, that’s not a concern for Jenn anytime soon, as Birdie is a happy and healthy kitty with many more years ahead of him.

beautiful cat posingbeautiful cat posing
Credit: seeminglyabsurd

If you wish to see more of Birdie, I have good news: You can follow him on both Instagram and TikTok. So don’t waste any more time – go follow this amazing kitty! And when you’re done, come back and let me know how you liked the story!


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