Video Captures A Man’s Shock As A Wild Lynx Unexpectedly Jumps At His Truck Window

Video Captures A Man’s Shock As A Wild Lynx Unexpectedly Jumps At His Truck Window

Video Captures A Man’s Shock As A Wild Lynx Unexpectedly Jumps At His Truck Window

Video Captures A Man’s Shock As A Wild Lynx Unexpectedly Jumps At His Truck WindowVideo Captures A Man’s Shock As A Wild Lynx Unexpectedly Jumps At His Truck Window

It’s a well-known fact: You don’t mess with wild cats. But sometimes, even the most cautious folks can find themselves in a hair-raising encounter with these majestic creatures.

Enter Dylan Schaefer and his unforgettable experience. Dive into his story below!

lynx staring down a vehiclelynx staring down a vehicle
Credit: Outdoor Life

One chilly day, while working in a snowy part of the northwest, Dylan came face to face with a wild lynx. 

He was running a predator call when suddenly, a lynx darted toward his truck. The lynx paused briefly under the driver’s window before leaping right at it.

lynx leaping at driver's windowlynx leaping at driver's window
Credit: Outdoor Life

The lynx’s sudden move toward the truck certainly gave Dylan a jolt. In the video you’re about to watch, you’ll hear Dylan laughing, though it’s hard to tell if he’s truly amused. 

Considering lynxes can tip the scales at up to 45 pounds, it’s a good thing Dylan was inside his truck! These large wild cats can become aggressive and attack humans, particularly if they feel threatened. 

And since Dylan was in their territory, it’s no surprise the lynx made such a bold move.

Check out the thrilling moment here:

Ever had a wild cat encounter of your own? And no, watching them on National Geographic doesn’t count! Would you want to experience this thrill from a safe distance? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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