You Have To Watch This Shy Cat’s Reaction After Arriving At Her New Home

You Have To Watch This Shy Cat’s Reaction After Arriving At Her New Home

You Have To Watch This Shy Cat’s Reaction After Arriving At Her New Home

You Have To Watch This Shy Cat’s Reaction After Arriving At Her New HomeYou Have To Watch This Shy Cat’s Reaction After Arriving At Her New Home

Deanna, the woman who adopted Jolie, felt that she simply needed love. 

Jolie was found outside in an area in Florida where there were a lot of coyotes and a lot of raccoons, so she always had to fight for food. 

“The person who found her said that she was so scared.”

They weren’t sure if Jolie was a feral cat or whether she was abandoned or maybe ran away from her home… 

Jolie used to be very nervous, and she wasn’t getting adopted. Until Deanna found her… 

“They (the shelter) said if I had to bring her back for any reason, that would be okay. And I just… I knew I wasn’t going to.”

cute shy cat in a boxcute shy cat in a box

When they arrived home, Deanna just put her in her new living room, not rushing her or anything.

the shy cat in the box is hidingthe shy cat in the box is hiding

Despite Deanna’s calming voice and slow approach, Jolie initially hid away from her… 

the shy cat hides under the bedthe shy cat hides under the bed

Jolie spent two days under Deanna’s bed. Just hiding around the house.

“She was really good at hiding. She would hide in places I wouldn’t even think to look.”

However, Deanna did not give up! She would just sit somewhere near Jolie and talk to her. Then, Deanna would try and give her treats… 

a shy cat lies on a man's stomacha shy cat lies on a man's stomach

It felt like this approach was going nowhere… 

the shy cat huddled under the bedthe shy cat huddled under the bed

But Deanna still didn’t give up on Jolie. And after about a month, Jolie came around… She flopped beneath Deanna’s legs, and it was the best moment ever, as Deanna says.

“She flopped over on my leg, and it was the best moment of my life!”

It really was a breakthrough in their relationship. Jolie was finally beginning to trust Deanna. She was starting to realize that this was her new and fur-ever home. 

During their second month together, Jolie stopped hiding completely! Deanna discovered Jolie’s funny personality, her love for cuddling and giving kisses. 

“I’m just so happy that she’s in my life.”

Jolie is no longer hiding and is loving her life. She is super cuddly and very talkative, and it’s clear that Deanna loves their conversations as much as Jolie.

I’m so glad that Jolie has found her fur-ever human… 

Deanna’s timely adoption saved Jolie from a difficult life, and in turn, Jolie saved Deanna from a cat-less life. It’s heartwarming to see Jolie find her forever human and loving home.

“I feel like a lot of animals just aren’t given the time or the patience to show who they really are. I wanted to give her a second chance to know what love is.”

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