Little Girl Sings Touching Song To Cat Before He Passes

If you have a pet, you likely treasure many special moments together. Whether it’s exploring the great outdoors or simply cuddling on the couch, these times with your pet are precious.

Erin Merryn and her family experienced this joy with their beloved orange tabby cat, Bailey. They adored him and included him in countless heartwarming activities, capturing these moments in photos and videos. However, one particular video of Bailey has left many viewers reaching for tissues.

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Merryn was a college student when she first brought Bailey into her life, sneaking the tiny kitten into her dorm room. She told PEOPLE that she felt like she had “won the lottery with him.” The mother, author, and speaker shared in her interview:

“I have always said if everyone had a Bailey there would be a lot less people in this world lonely or depressed. I always told people there was a little human inside Bailey.”

Bailey was a cherished companion when Merryn brought home her first daughter, Abby. Unsure of how the cat would react to a newborn, Merryn was delighted to see Bailey instantly bond with Abby. He stayed close to her, offering snuggles, purrs, and affection, acting like a “protective brother.”

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Abby adored Bailey in return. She would sing to him and read him stories, and Bailey would sit patiently through it all. When the family welcomed another daughter, Hannah, Bailey extended the same love and patience to her as well.

Bailey earned the nickname “No Ordinary Cat” due to his unusual behavior for a feline. Merryn shared with PEOPLE that Bailey allowed her daughters to dress him up, bathe him, push him in a stroller, and even sit in a high chair wearing a bib. He joined them for picnics, played school, and helped out at their lemonade stands.

“He just loved these girls and let them do whatever they wanted to him. It was incredible.”

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The special bond between the girls and Bailey was captured in numerous videos and photos, which Merryn shared on social media. One particularly touching video of four-year-old Abby singing “You Are My Sunshine” to Bailey gained widespread attention, even catching the eye of news outlets and talk show host Ellen DeGeneres.

Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

He Microwaved His Ex-Girlfriend's Kitten to Death and Threatened To Kill Her Next

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.

Bailey’s popularity soared with the video, attracting many new fans and social media followers. Sadly, just a few months later, Bailey’s health began to decline due to kidney failure. Merryn knew his time was near. Abby sang “You Are My Sunshine” to her beloved cat one last time, and sweet Bailey passed away three hours later.

Though Bailey is no longer with us, his legacy endures. The family continues to manage the “Bailey No Ordinary Cat” social media pages, filled with cherished memories. Erin Merryn has also published a book by the same name. Bailey remains a star, loved by people all over the world.

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