Grieving Mama Cat Finds Comfort in Kitten Doll

When humans lose something or someone dear to them, they often experience grief. But what about animals? Do they grieve too? Evidence suggests they do. A poignant example is a mother cat who lost her only kitten and exhibited signs of mourning.

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This mother cat, named Hazel, experienced immense sorrow after her only kitten passed away. The kitten was born with health issues and couldn’t survive. Isabel, Hazel’s owner, noticed the profound sadness in Hazel and decided to share her experience on TikTok.

“She would stay up all night crying and looking for her baby…” Isabel noted in the video.

Determined to help Hazel cope with her loss, Isabel came up with a creative solution to comfort her grieving cat.

“…so I decided to make a pretend baby for her,” Isabel explained in the video.

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Using a pair of scissors and a piece of white cloth, Isabel crafted a kitten doll. She cut out two kitten-shaped figures from the cloth, sewed them together, and stuffed them with cotton. Despite its simplicity, Hazel’s reaction was surprising.

Hazel immediately took to the kitten doll and wouldn’t let it out of her sight.

Nearly overwhelmed by the loss of her kitten, Hazel found solace in the doll Isabel made. The mother cat clung to it, treating it as if it were her own baby, and couldn’t sleep without it by her side. Isabel was amazed and pleased to see her cat find comfort in the doll.

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The heartwarming TikTok video quickly gained traction online.

Isabel’s video resonated with many, garnering over 3.8 million likes and 150 thousand shares. The choice of Lara Anderson’s “Build Me Up Buttercup” as background music added to the video’s emotional impact. Viewers shared their heartfelt responses, with one user commenting:

“I am literally having a breakdown, I’m be crying all day now.”

The TikTok community even helped in naming Hazel’s kitten doll.

Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

He Microwaved His Ex-Girlfriend's Kitten to Death and Threatened To Kill Her Next

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.

As the video went viral, Isabel expressed her gratitude to everyone who supported them. She sought suggestions for naming the doll, and responses included Solace, Remedy, and Stuffy. Ultimately, the name Angel was chosen, fittingly representing a heavenly comfort for Hazel.

Months later, Isabel provided an update on Hazel’s condition.

In a follow-up TikTok post, Isabel shared that Hazel had significantly improved. The once heartbroken cat now appeared happy and well-loved, with her cherished kitten doll still by her side. Isabel’s story of Hazel and her kitten doll continues to touch hearts, and viewers look forward to seeing more updates in the future.

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