Cat Almost Euthanized for Not Meeting ‘Beauty’ Standards

Although cats can’t develop Down syndrome, some can exhibit conditions with similar characteristics. When this occurs, the stigma they face can be quite similar to that experienced by humans.

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This is the story of Willow, a cat who narrowly escaped euthanasia due to her facial deformity, which resembles Down syndrome. Willow’s distinctive appearance, featuring slanted eyes and a flat nasal profile, sets her apart from most other cats. However, this does not make her any less deserving of a loving home and a fulfilling life. Unfortunately, many pet facilities and shelters do not share this view.

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Willow’s journey to fame began because she was different and almost didn’t survive. She was discovered by Lori Farris, a 50-year-old woman who found the kitten on her doorstep. Lori took Willow in, bathed her, and sought veterinary care for her. The vet’s feedback was disheartening: in addition to her unusual facial features, Willow was suffering from a severe infection. The vet suggested euthanasia, deeming Willow “not pretty enough for anyone to adopt.”

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Thankfully, Lori refused to follow this advice. Her decision allowed Willow to grow into a wonderful adult cat, proving that those who look beyond appearances can make a significant difference. Despite her unique look, Willow is undeniably cute, a sentiment shared by many.

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Willow’s adorableness is now widely recognized. With her broad face, small eyes, and tiny nose, she has captivated the hearts of many. It’s hard to imagine that she was once considered “not pretty enough” to live. Today, Willow is a social media star with hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram, proving her desirability beyond any doubt. Her posts consistently garner thousands of likes, and the comments are filled with admiration. “Such an adorable little face,” one commenter wrote. “Awwwww…such a sweetie,” said another.

Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

He Microwaved His Ex-Girlfriend's Kitten to Death and Threatened To Kill Her Next

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.

Willow also participates in numerous photoshoots, often wearing signs with inspirational messages. One of the most poignant signs she wore read, “You never look good trying to make someone else look bad.” This sentiment is a reminder that we all have our unique qualities, and those differences do not diminish our worthiness of love.

Willow’s story is a testament to the idea that every being deserves love, regardless of their appearance. Her journey from an unwanted kitten to a beloved social media sensation highlights the impact of compassion and acceptance.

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