Dad Nervous to Introduce Cat, His Only “Child” for 18 Years, to New Human Brother

For 18 years, Mango the cat has been Paul’s cherished companion and only “child.” Mango is known for showering Paul with kisses and affection, engaging in “heart-to-heart” conversations, and spending endless hours showing love.

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When Paul met his future wife, Tiffany, he mentioned Mango’s fondness for giving kisses. Tiffany found it intriguing yet hard to believe. However, upon meeting Mango, Tiffany was greeted with a kiss, proving Paul’s words true. Despite Mango’s affection for both Paul and Tiffany, his bond with Paul remains unparalleled.

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When Tiffany and Paul learned they were expecting a human baby, they were anxious about Mango’s reaction. “When we have Hayden, how is Mango going to feel about this? How are we going to introduce them? We’re going to rock his world with this baby? We’re actually nervous about it,” Tiffany shared.

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Their concerns were understandable. Mango had been Paul’s sole companion for over a decade, and the arrival of Tiffany and now a baby could potentially disrupt his world. They wondered if Mango would feel resentment or love towards the new family member.

To their relief, when they brought Hayden home, Mango immediately accepted him. Mango recognized Hayden as his brother, and the two formed an instant bond. Just as he did with Paul and Tiffany, Mango showered Hayden with kisses, and Hayden reciprocated the love. Their days were spent side by side, and any initial worries faded away as the bond between them grew stronger.

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Paul and Tiffany often referred to Mango as their “angel in a cat package.” Sadly, after 19 years of being part of the family, Mango passed away in February 2022 due to a series of medical conditions. “Mango was our first baby, and we experienced a greater life because of him. When we struggled to conceive, he was there for all the struggles. He taught his little brother gentleness and love… He was truly a once in a thousand lifetimes cat. We will miss your sweet kisses and love, Mango,” Paul wrote on Mango’s Instagram account.

Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

He Microwaved His Ex-Girlfriend's Kitten to Death and Threatened To Kill Her Next

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.

Paul finds it especially difficult to adjust to life without Mango. Nonetheless, he and Tiffany are deeply grateful that their son and each other experienced Mango’s boundless love.

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