Papa Lion Crouches Down to Meet His Baby Cub for the First Time

The internet often finds common ground in the irresistible charm of baby animals. These tiny creatures, regardless of their species, captivate us with their cuteness. Viral videos showcasing baby giraffes stumbling through their first steps or baby otters playfully swimming are universally adored. The latest addition to this heartwarming collection is a video that has quickly garnered widespread attention.

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In early September 2019, the Denver Zoo posted an enchanting video on Facebook, which has since been viewed nearly half a million times. The accompanying caption read:

“This week’s Meru, Moremi or Tatu #cubdate comes with some exciting news: the cub has met his dad, Tobias, and big sister Kamara! Already 12 lbs, this little lion is climbing up the ranks in the world – as in he literally loves climbing everything and that includes Aunt Sabi and Kamara! Want to help us name him? Stop by the Zoo to cast your vote or make a donation online! Here’s how:“

Bored Panda reports that this adorable lion cub was born at the Denver Zoo on July 25, 2019.

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Jake Kubié, the zoo’s director of communications, explained, “He’s spent the last couple months bonding with his mom (Neliah), dad (Tobias), and half-sister (Kamara) behind the scenes at Predator Ridge at Denver Zoo, and will soon make his big public debut in one of the outdoor habitats. He’s all the things you might expect of a lion cub: playful, curious, and energetic!”

The Denver Zoo has been sharing delightful “cubdates” as the young lion matures, showcasing his growth, new experiences, and skill development. As indicated in their Facebook post, the zoo is still in the process of naming the cub. Currently, the choices are between Tatu (Swahili for the number three, as he is his mother’s third cub) and Meru (a mountain in Tanzania).

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Jake noted the public’s eagerness to meet the cub, stating, “Everyone is extremely excited and anxious to pay him a visit once he makes his public debut. The weekly updates we’ve been posting to our social channels are met with an outpouring of ‘Ohhs’ and ‘Ahhs.’ We’re doing our best to give everyone their cub fix while they wait to see him in person!”

The cub recently met his father for the first time, as well as his four-year-old older sister, Kamara. The Denver Zoo’s Instagram shared, “She is just the most attentive and affectionate older sister.”

Image Source Credit via Instagram

While the lion cub’s cuteness is undeniable, the zoo aims to raise awareness about the plight of lions in the wild. They hope that the public’s affection for their lions will translate into support for animal welfare.

“It’s very important to remember that half of African lions have disappeared in the last 25 years and face growing threats, such as poaching, loss of prey, and destruction of habitats in their native ranges,” a Denver Zoo representative emphasized to Bored Panda. “We hope that by seeing our little lion cub, people will be inspired and take action to help protect his wild counterparts and other wildlife around the world.”

Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

He Microwaved His Ex-Girlfriend's Kitten to Death and Threatened To Kill Her Next

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.

The Denver Zoo is committed to various conservation efforts, not only within the zoo but also in the broader community. They offer educational programs, volunteer opportunities, and an “Adopt an Animal” program to further engage the public in their mission.

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