Scruffy Feral Cat Becomes Blue-Eyed Beauty with Love and Care

No matter where you are, whether in a bustling city or the quiet countryside, you’ll often see cats wandering about. Some of these cats approach people for food, while others dart away at the slightest human presence.

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Cats living on the streets can be divided into two main categories: strays and feral cats. Understanding the difference between the two is essential. Stray cats are those that have been socialized by humans but are now abandoned. They are often friendly and accustomed to human interaction.

Feral cats, in contrast, have had no socialization with people, leading to their fear and mistrust. These cats have usually been born and raised in the wild. Over time, some stray cats may become feral if they go too long without human contact.

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Adopting a feral cat is generally not recommended due to their deep-seated fear of humans. Unfortunately, many feral cats are captured by kill-shelters and euthanized. However, it is not entirely impossible to gain a feral cat’s trust.

Jaina, from Cats of San Bernardino (CSB), discovered a cat hiding under some bushes. This cat was covered in wounds and losing fur. When offered food, the cat refused to eat. Additionally, his eyes were infected, making it difficult for him to see.

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Despite his limited vision, the cat’s other senses were sharp. He could detect Jaina’s scent and was highly cautious. Every time Jaina or the staff tried to reach for him, he would instinctively evade their attempts.

Determined to help, Jaina tried a new approach. She found an opening above the cat and carefully reached down to grab the nape of his neck, gently placing him into a cage. Although the cat struggled to adjust to his new surroundings, the team at CSB was committed to helping him.

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The team named the cat Apollo. They cleaned and treated his wounds, although they couldn’t fully restore his eyesight. For weeks, Apollo remained wary, hiding from both the staff and other cats. Yet, the team never lost hope.

Over time, Apollo began to trust his caregivers. He stopped hiding and allowed the staff to clean him. This positive change continued for five months. Gradually, Apollo’s fur grew back, and he regained the ability to open one eye. He became comfortable with people and even enjoyed their company.

Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

He Microwaved His Ex-Girlfriend's Kitten to Death and Threatened To Kill Her Next

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.

The once fearful feral cat transformed into a loving, sociable feline. Apollo thrived under the care of CSB, becoming a symbol of the organization’s dedication and compassion. Thanks to CSB, Apollo now enjoys the happy, loving life he deserves.

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