iilla. Bulgarian Kitty Named Yuki The Ghost Cat Is Uniquely Purrfect .iilla

In Bulgaria, there lives a unique feline that has beautiful odd-colored eyes and a dazzling white coat. She is a rescue kitty named Yuki—and her humans refer to her as the friendly ghost. Oftentimes, you will find some of the most uniquely beautiful cats for adoption, and little Yuki is proof of it.

I caught up with her cat mom hoping to feature this little beauty on the site, and thankfully for me, she agreed. So, everyone, keep reading to learn all about this purrfectly precious feline…

yuki the ghost cat

How did Yuki come into your life?

I’ve already had a cat Sammy and I never thought I will have a second one. Actually, it was my mom’s idea, her grandma, she wanted to get a kitty for Sammy, so she won’t be alone when no one is at home. And just like that, we got Yuki from a relative who had cats for adoption.

How did Yuki get her name?

We had already chosen the kitty we wanted and we were wondering how we should name it.My boyfriend is an anime fan and we both love the Japanese culture, so we decided that we will name it Yuki-onna Japanese spirit/ghost and for short Yuki.

yuki the ghost cat

yuki the ghost cat

What is her personality like?

She is a very good kitty, she immediately fell in love with her sister and everyone in the house. Also, she is very brave for instance when she visits the vet she never shows she is scared.

What are her favorite hobbies?

She loves to play with paper balls, she can do that all day. If it’s sunny, you can always find her relaxing at the window on her pillow.

yuki the ghost cat

yuki the ghost cat

Does she have any cat or dog housemates at home?

Yes, her sister Sammy, she is 3 years old.

What’s something special you’d like for people to know about Yuki?

She is actually really funny, it’s never boring with her. She will always find something to do even if she is not allowed to do it, but how can you be mad at her.

yuki the ghost cat

yuki the ghost cat

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