iilla. Ginger Rescue Cat Named Starfish Is The Cutest Kitten Across The Pond .iilla

Although every September 1st is Ginger Cat Appreciation Day, I feel that each and every day is meant to adore ginger cats. These gregarious felines have won the hearts of millions of cat lovers across the globe, and for anyone who has ever loved one, you know just how special these cats are. For one spunky and equally precious ginger kitten out of Sheffield, UK, I was instantly smitten the moment I came across his photo. And not only is he just the cutest darn thing ever, but his name is as perfect as him!

I caught up with his owner, and thankfully they agreed to allow me to feature little Mr. Starfish for all the Cattitude Daily readers to enjoy…

How did Starfish come into your life?

We wanted a cat for awhile but always doubted if we could handle all the commitment. Starfish was from a litter of 5 I think, and the family he was from couldn’t handle all of them and was looking for new owners for them online. I saw his picture and fell in love immediately, I knew I had to have him!

Starfish has such a unique look, any idea what exact breed he is?

I myself am still trying to guess what breed he is to this day! I saw his mother when I picked him up but they didn’t have the father cat around. The vet suggested that Starfish is a domestic longhair mixed with some kind of ‘posh’ breed, what that breed is we don’t know, but he is still the cutest lil thing ever.

How did Starfish get his name?

The first picture I saw of him I noticed a star-shaped marking on his face. Right then I decided that his name was going to be Starfish!!

What is his personality like?

He grew up around people his whole life so he loves the attention he gets. He makes a lot of noise when he doesn’t see anyone around him and he wakes us up every morning with cuddles and lots of purring. He’s not a shy cat at all and I love that about him.

Does he have any other cat or dog housemates at home?

No, but we did help a friend take care of her cat Leo for awhile once before. He was more of a shy cat but Starfish was always trying to socialise and play with him, in the end Leo had no choice but to warm up to him and they were hanging out with each other all day!

What are his favorite hobbies?

He loves making biscuits on his blanket by the window!! We always know when he’s making biscuits because he always purrs so loudly when he does!!

What’s something special you’d like people to know about Starfish?

He can sleep anywhere anytime!! I’ve seen him sleep in the most uncomfortable positions and it’s so amusing and cute at the same time.

I’d like to give a special “thank you” to Starfish’s owner for allowing me to share his story and pics on my website. If you know someone who would enjoy seeing this little cutie from across the pond, don’t forget to share! To keep up with Starfish’s journey, follow him here on Instagram.

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