Couple Rescues A Torbie Kitten Realizing Later She Comes With A Big Cattitude

Couple Rescues A Torbie Kitten Realizing Later She Comes With A Big Cattitude

Couple Rescues A Torbie Kitten Realizing Later She Comes With A Big Cattitude

Couple Rescues A Torbie Kitten Realizing Later She Comes With A Big CattitudeCouple Rescues A Torbie Kitten Realizing Later She Comes With A Big Cattitude

Torbie cats are very special; they stand out with their unique appearances and tricky personalities. It’s often said that Torbie cats are famous for their ‘tortitude’, and this charming kitty is no exception.

Here’s an interesting story about a family that brought home a kitten who soon became an important member of their family.

A couple, Rachel and Tony, were in Atlantic City, driving into a parking lot when something ran in front of their car. It was a young and helpless kitten, but that shocked them because there were no other cats or kittens around the area.

Fortunately, these good people couldn’t leave without ensuring the kitten was safe, so they followed him. The kitten ran into the bush and hid.

Rachel and Tony figured out that the kitten was all by itself and that it had no one. As a huge thunderstorm was coming, they decided to take the kitten with them.

However, the rescue mission wasn’t as easy as you might think. They spent several hours trying to lure the kitten out and grab it. After some time, they managed to catch the kitten and immediately took it to the vet. Rachel said:

“I saw Tony holding her, and I was like, this is it, we’re taking her home!”

They named this adorable Torbie cat Lilith and slowly introduced her to their other cats. That’s how Lilith became a part of their family.

Lilith is a beautiful kitty with a big personality. According to her human parents, she has always been chatty and demanding, but she always knows what she wants. 

Her meows often sound like she’s saying ‘mom’, but don’t let that fool you, she has a bit of a dark side too, haha. Rachel says:

“She loves Tony the most. Whenever he takes the dogs out, she gets mad and jealous about that, and she acts out and bites me, and yells at me when he’s outside. She waits by the doors, and when they walk, she swats the dog.”

Lilith often grabs Rachel’s hand and gently bites her. On the other hand, she doesn’t behave like that toward Tony. They believe it’s because she has excess energy and doesn’t know what to do with it. Rachel says:

“I wish she loved me as much as she loves him. I’m very jealous of it.”

Furthermore, Lilith isn’t the only fur baby in the family. The couple has three cats and two dogs, who all get along. Lilith loves Henry the cat, the most. He’s hard not to love, and apparently, he’s her best friend. 

Hazel, the other cat, and Henry are way older than Lilith. Therefore, they like to rest often, while Lilith can’t stop exploring and demanding attention. She’s so demanding that sometimes it’s hard to figure out what she wants. 

Rachel also added:

“I always say why don’t you let me love you more, I do everything for you, I love you so much. Please let me hold you.”

Well, Rachel, don’t worry! Cats, especially Torbies, can be unpredictable sometimes. I’m sure Lilith will one day realize just how much you’ve been there for her!

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