Odin The Cat Reunites With Family After 20 Months Wandering

When black cat Odin went missing from his New Zealand home, his mother searched the entire realm of her neighborhood and beyond to no avail. Odin had…

“Wonder Cat” Survives Unbelievable Six Weeks Trapped Inside Mattress Box Springs

Time and again, cats have proven they have the ability to survive hardships that would fell the toughest among us. We’ve long heard tales of cats who…

Missing Cat Returns Home To Houseboat After 10 Years Ashore

As a cat who grew up on a canal in the United Kingdom’s Birmingham, Big Ginge knows his way around the water’s edge. He also learned from…

Follow 26-Year-Old Samm On His Journey To Becoming Guinness’ Oldest Living Cat

It’s not uncommon to meet a cat in their twenties these days. With the furthering of medical treatments for cats and what ails them, more felines are…

Cat Missing For 6 Years Comes Home After Surprise Reunion

Six years ago, Monkey Face wandered away from home, leaving her family to wonder where their dear cat had gone. As days turned to weeks and weeks…

Family Gifted With Return Of Missing Cat Three Years Later In “Christmas Miracle”

Cat mom Jessica Kelly received an early Christmas present this year, and it’s one that seemed an impossible gift to receive. This year, Jessica and her sweet…

Cat Lost For 2 Years Will Reunite With Family Just In Time For The Holidays

A recent phone call had Nicole Watkins celebrating and crying all at once. It was one she wasn’t expecting but hoped for all the same. On the…

Adventure Cat Orion Reaches New Heights On Peak Of Wales’ Highest Mountain

Atop the 1085-meter summit of Mt. Snowdon in Wales stands Orion the cat, the sharp mountain winds ruffling his fur, but not his purride. He prefers a…

Kitten Can See Forever In His Future After Foster Family Helps Heal His Ulcerated Eye

Corneal ulcers occur in feline eyes for several reasons, but trauma to the eye is generally the cause. And when an ulcer occurs, it’s painful for the…

Watch As ‘Ghost’ Throws Cat Across Kitchen In Chilling Video

Gone are the old ways as science and technology have banished bogeymen and creatures of lore into hiding. But every so often comes an occurrence that just…