Meow Parlour Launches World’s First Cat Fan Club!

Image source: Sonya Lee Architect – Meow Parlour Remember when you could join fan clubs for your favorite celebrity or brand and for our membership you would…

Cat Helping Out This Fish Is A True Friend!

Oh nooo! I’m stuck, I’m a fish out of water, literally! What am I going to do? Who’s going to help me when there’s no one around..oh…

Thursday’s Top Pics From The Mag 7 Cats

Britain’s most famous internet cats, The Magnificent 7 Cats, are Rocky, Prince, Junior, Ugs, Princess Pixie, Tom and Norman. They live with their people in London, England….

Thank Pixie It’s Friday!

Britain’s most famous internet cats, The Magnificent 7 Cats, are Rocky, Prince, Junior, Ugs, Princess Pixie, Tom and Norman. They live with their people in London, England….

This Kitten In A Swing Is the Cutest Thing You Will See All Week

Boomer is just 11 weeks old, but he has already experienced more than most cats. Why? Because he is owned by Robert Dollwet, a dog trainer who…

When Mom Starts Signing, This Cat Just Has To Dance

Awww, kitty cat is just too cute for words! She’s such a good dancer and actually her moves are in sync with the rhythm of mom’s song….

Fursday Fun With The Mag 7 Cats

Britain’s most famous internet cats, The Magnificent 7 Cats, are Rocky, Prince, Junior, Ugs, Princess Pixie, Tom and Norman. They live with their people in London, England….

This Unusual Breed Is Taking Over The Internet! Meet The Werewolf Cats!

A breed of cat is gaining popularity online and is taking over the internet–they call them the Werewolf Cats! The Lykoi breed, also known as the Werewolf…

This Cat Has the Sweetest Way To Wake His Dad Up: With Hugs And Cuddles!

Does your cat wake you up in the morning? How does he/she do it? Cats make great alarm clocks because they don’t have snooze buttons, and they…

Sweet Cat Meows For Her Human Each Time She Kisses Her On The Head

Do you kiss your cat? Does he react when you kiss him? Some cats don’t like to be kissed, but there are also cats who just love…