The Picky Girl Next Door Ultimately Accepts Winged-Cat’s New Identity

When Shelby adopted a 7-month-old cat named Nick, she had no idea that she was about to witness a heartwarming love story unfold between her new feline…

Cat Steals Neighbor’s Stuffed Tiger To ‘Release Back Into The Wild’

Cats are clever, often solving puzzling situations in the blink of an eye. One determined kitty noticed a neighbor’s child holding a plush tiger. She was immediately…

Drowsy Kitty Tucks Herself In A Tiny Bed Mom Built For Her

As faithful cat lovers, we know for certain that felines are intelligent and adorable creatures. They make us smile just by being themselves. While some may argue…

Guy Yanks Unprofitable Kitten From Breeder’s Hands

Some breeders use irresponsible methods to produce kittens they can profit off of. Because they use the animals they already own, genetic mutation is a common side…

Ikiru The Cat, Maker Of Mischief, Master Of Blep

Labeling Ikiru as just “cute” doesn’t quite capture his overwhelming adorableness. From the moment cat enthusiasts lay eyes on Ikiru’s photographs, they’re hooked, a fact evidenced by…

Sinatra The Cat Sings Happily In His ‘Forever’ Home

When a cat chooses you as his own, a special bond forms that fills a cat lover’s heart with love and joy. Suddenly, the hardship of the…

The Healing Power Of Mr. Fiddlesticks, A Tiny Kitten Big On Heart

Sometimes the tiniest handful of fluff can help ease the ache of heartbreak. And when the tiny fluff needs you as much as you need him, that’s…

More Than Brothers, Cats Noah And Norman Are “Thunder Buddies”

Some cats just don’t care for thunderstorms. All that rumbly racket sets their nerves to jumping! Feline reactions to bad weather can range from ears flicked back…

Cat Eyes Baby Chicks Unattended By Mom And Skulks Over

Who doesn’t delight in witnessing animals form the most adorable friendships? We’re particularly fond of these moments, especially when they involve cats. Truthfully, there’s something uniquely charming…

Pedestrians Ignored Street Performer But These Kitties Became His Biggest Fans

In a world filled with challenges and hurdles, we can all use a little treat. This story will make your whole body smile. Are you ready for…