This Unusual Breed Is Taking Over The Internet! Meet The Werewolf Cats!

A breed of cat is gaining popularity online and is taking over the internet–they call them the Werewolf Cats! The Lykoi breed, also known as the Werewolf…

This Cat Has the Sweetest Way To Wake His Dad Up: With Hugs And Cuddles!

Does your cat wake you up in the morning? How does he/she do it? Cats make great alarm clocks because they don’t have snooze buttons, and they…

Sweet Cat Meows For Her Human Each Time She Kisses Her On The Head

Do you kiss your cat? Does he react when you kiss him? Some cats don’t like to be kissed, but there are also cats who just love…

10 Cats Show Us The Art Of Napping Like A Cat!

It’s Friday everyone! The weekend is finally here! It’s time to sit back and relax! And no one can relax more and take naps better than cats…

12 Cats Who Are Completely, Unquestionably Feline

When we think of cats, we imagine beautiful, curious, sweet, intelligent, and nimble creatures. Felines are animals with a truly unique blend of characteristics: they’re independent, talented hunters in the wild, but…

This Cat’s Unusual Paw Looks Like A Lobster Claw–And He’s Downright Adorable!

They say nobody’s perfect. We all have our own imperfections. We may be insecure because of those imperfections, but most of the time it’s those quirks that…

ADORABLE! This Cute Kitten Prefers To Cuddle With The Family Dog!

Kittens usually stick with their moms when they are very young. Especially when they take a nap, they love to cuddle with their mom. And their mommies…

Adorable Cat With Missing Teeth & A Hanging Tongue Is Looking For A Forever Home

Real cat lovers believe that every cat is beautiful, and that every cat deserves a home. No matter how old a cat is, or even if he/she…

10 Cats That Look Just Like Disney Characters!

When a fluffy little kitten gazes up at you in wide-eyed wonder–or a suspicious cat gives you a narrow-eyed glare from the safety of its perch–you can’t…

Kitten With Paralysis & Unable To Walk Gets His First Wheelchair

Everyone, meet Tiny Tim–a kitten who just got his first 3D-printed wheelchair. Tiny Tim and his siblings were rescued from an animal shelter in South Carolina by…