Girlfriend Gave Her Partner An ‘Ultimatum’, Demands Either “The Dog Goes” Or “She Goes”

The adage that a dog is man’s best friend holds true based on my own experiences. The loyalty of a dog is unmatched; they wait eagerly to…

News Reporter Can No Longer Do His Job After Cat ‘Interrupts’ Segment

Just when it seemed as if Artur had regained his composure and they could continue on with the news report, the cat made a second sneak appearance…

Cat Warms Up A Cold Puppy Who Was Thrown Away By His Owner

During the harsh winter months, a severe cold enveloped the city, turning every venture outdoors into a challenging ordeal. At a bus stop, a cardboard box leaning…

Cat Shied Away From Human Touch Receives Snuggle That Melts His Fear Away

Meet a cat named ‘The Chicken,’ a unique Sphynx who spent the first two years of his life without anyone to trust or love. Bethany, a cat…

5 Ways To Tell Your Cats You Love Them In Their Own Language

One of the many subtle ways that our cats communicate their affection for us is through their tails. Animal behaviorist Marilyn Krieger says that a curved tail,…

Brilliant Cat Journeys 40 Miles Over Two Months To Find Missing Family

When the Kutscher family made the forty-mile move from Bridgeport, West Virginia, to Morgantown, they were short one furry family member. And though the Kutschers returned again…

5 “Naughty” Cat Habits That Are Okay To Encourage

Cats are very intentional and calculated creatures. Most of the things they do serve a purpose and help them live healthier and happier lives. It’s important to…

8 ‘Fun’ Facts About Black Cats

Black cats have gotten a bad rap for a long time, but most cat lovers know they’re just another awesome feline. Black cats are just as sweet…

Dreamsicle Kitten Chooses Forever Home, Family Just Fine With Decision  

When cats decide a human is theirs, they have no problem making it known. Cats will move right in, settle down on a spot of their choosing…

Petrified Pup Clutches Stuffed Elephant For Comfort While Waiting To Be Euthanized

Smokey, a young pup, found a loving home that lavished him with a plethora of playthings. Yet, among all these gifts, a stuffed elephant with oversized ears…