Helpless Puppy Stranded In Gutter Was Crying For Help, But No One Was Ready To Step In

A poor dog fell unintentionally into an open gutter while running. He was in desperate need of help, but to no avail as no one even stopped…

Couple Sees Elderly Beagle Being Given Away Online For Free, And Decides To Rescue Her

Taylor and her partner saw a post on Facebook about a senior beagle called Maple, who was being given away freely! So, they drove for 3 hours…

Dog Spent 4 Years At Shelter Bursts Into Joyful Dance When Being Adopted

When a neglected dog called Dreadlock arrived at a Thailand shelter, he was 6 years old. He had a host of skin problems, and his coat was…

Stray Dog With Tumors On The Verge Of Death, Then Animal Lover Proves That Angels Exist.

This story speaks about a poor dog, who had tens of cancerous tumors all over his body and was left to die in the streets of Mexico…

Sperm Whale Approaches A Diver Asking Him For Help To Remove A Stuck Hook

Hugues Vitry, a diver, was diving one day at sea when he was asked for help by a sperm whale! It is known that sperm whales are…

Diver Shoves Her Hand Inside Shark’s Mouth To Remove A Stuck Hook

Many people just dream about saving animals as it makes them feel happy. Anyway, it is not an easy job as you do not know what would…

Paralyzed Stray Dog Found Crying In Pain Hopeless For Days Beside The Road

Many reports have been received before 2 days about a poor dog who could not move back legs after she was hit by a vehicle. It was…

Boxer Dog With Sad Eyes Found Abandoned Ant Tied To A Lamppost

A local resident called Graham Dobson found a very scared dog tied to a lamppost while driving to work. After feeding the dog, Dobson waited with the…

Homeless Dog Lives With His Owner On The Streets For Years, Now Has His Comfy Bed

It is known that dogs and homeless people can always be good friends and this story is a perfect example. A dog called Hero lived with his…

Shark Sends Entire Family For Stunning “Thank You” After Diver Saves It From Fishing Net.

This story shows us that animals can use a way or another to communicate with us. When Iñaki, a diver who lives in Australia, was in a…