German Shepherd Like Sack Of Bones, Saved After It Laid Down In Front of Stranger’s House

A hearted individual discovered a German Shepherd on the street near their home and called Stray Rescue of St. Louis for help. The dog seemed unable to…

Abandoned Breeding Dog Collapsed In The Middle Of Busy Road Finds Glimmer Of Hope

A heartwarming story of a community coming together in East Grand Rapids has emerged, as they rallied behind a dog who was found collapsed in the middle…

Stray Dog Found Covered In Maggots In Irrigation Canal, Fights The Odds To Survive.

A dog had an experience when she fell into an irrigation canal and cried for three days until she was finally located and rescued. However her ordeal…

Police Officer Filmed While Rescuing Pit Bull Almost Drown In Floodwater

A police officer, from the Greenville Police Department in North Carolina is being praised as a hero after rescuing a Pit bull that was on the brink…

Abandoned Dogs Found Shivering In Rain, Given Blankets And Snuggle Into Them Right Away

For the three days two dogs have been enduring the rain after being left on the streets of Pennsylvania. The kind neighbors have been providing food for…

Bulldog Found Collapsed Unconscious On The Street. Fortunately Rescued Just In Time.

Introducing Princess, a 15 month English Bulldog who miraculously survived after being discovered unconscious on the street. Princess was suffering from demodex mange. Was severely undernourished weighing…

Mother Dog And Her Puppies Found Tied Up In A Sack In The Middle of Nowhere

A mother dog and her adorable puppies are incredibly fortunate to have survived after someone heartlessly abandoned them on a dirt road cruelly tied up inside a…

Dog Who Was Abandoned With The Trash, Finds Loving Family Who Will Cherish Him

Stevoni Wells Doyle has been fostering dogs for, than a decade. She was pleasantly surprised by a pregnant Pit Bull that she recently took in. Graycee, a…

Frightened Puppy Seeks Comfort In Rescuer’s lap And drifts Off To Sleep.

A stray puppy, who was initially terrified of being harmed experienced a transformation, within a few hours of being rescued. A compassionate family discovered the bully mix…

Pit Bull About To Be Euthanized For Barking At Another Dog Finds Loving Home

A Pit Bull who was, on the brink of death was fortunate enough to receive a day at a shelter ultimately leading to her rescue. Upon her…