Meet Senior Scrappy: A Stunning Kitty With A Coat Like You’ve Never Seen.

I think that all cats are beautiful in their own unique way. But when it comes to cats with unique coats and markings, they’re super quick to…

Meet Able Maew: A Happy Kitty With Two Legs And Lots Of Heart.thi

A cat with a disability often doesn’t know that they are any different than another cat. They are often just as happy, playful, and curious as any…

“The Enchanting Tale of a Cat with Heterochromatic Eyes: Blue and Yellow”

A gorgeous feline with an unusual feature caught the eye of its new owner. Joseph, a two-year-old Scottish Fold cat, has one blue and one yellow eye….

Meet Bangs: A Rescued Tuxedo Cat With Unique Markings

Many cats have beautiful markings, whether it’s stripes, swirls, or patches. But for tuxedo cats, they’re loved by many for the fancy “attire” they wear. For one…

Meet Rover: A Cool Black Kitty Who Was Born To Catwalk

Black cats are effortlessly cool. Without even trying, they already look like tiny panthers right in your living room. Rover The Cat is super cool—and he knows…

Lonely Stray Cat Leads Woman Inside Store For Food, Leaves With Forever Home

Cats are very intelligent creatures. And their intuition is something that no one can deny. The life of a stray cat is not an easy one. And…

Meet Herbee & Audree: Two Interspecies Besties To Make You Smile

As I write this, I am currently in need of a smile. And chances are, you are too. We live in a crazy world. But thankfully, our…

Meet Bowie The Tuxedo Cat: A Cool Cat With Even Cooler Eyes

All cats are cool, but there are some cats that capture your attention and simply mesmerize you. The first time I laid eyes on Bowie, I was…

Meet Jake The Polydactyl Cat: A Rescued Cat With A Story Of Survival

When recently researching for an article on fun facts about polydactyl cats, I came across a handsome extra-toed ginger kitty named Jake. He is already super intriguing…

Meet Gladstone: The Chief Mouser For Her Majesty’s Treasury

It goes without saying that black cats are effortlessly cool. But aside from looking like miniature panthers in our living room, there are some black cats that…