Video Game Streamer Rescues Two Sickly Kittens And Nurses Them Back To Health

Video Game Streamer Rescues Two Sickly Kittens And Nurses Them Back To Health

Video Game Streamer Rescues Two Sickly Kittens And Nurses Them Back To Health

Video Game Streamer Rescues Two Sickly Kittens And Nurses Them Back To HealthVideo Game Streamer Rescues Two Sickly Kittens And Nurses Them Back To Health

Vicki, a passionate video game streamer rescued two sick kittens and nursed them back to health. Now their favorite thing in the world is to interrupt their mommy’s video game time. 

Back to the story, Vicki really went above and beyond to nurse those kittens back to health. Here’s how it all started.

One day when Vicki returned home, she spotted a small black furball moving around in her backyard. Once she got closer, she discovered a tiny kitten, too ill to even open its eyes. She remembers:

“I didn’t see her, but I figured Mom was probably looking for food. She’s gonna come back. She’d be worried if the babies are gone, but then they both started sneezing.”

kitten outdoorskitten outdoors
Credit: YouTube

When Vicki saw them, she knew she had to help the poor kittens! Their eyes were crusty, they didn’t look well at all, and they were both sneezing and crying. 

Vicki was concerned. While she wasn’t an expert on cats, she could tell that their appearance wasn’t normal or healthy.

two kittens in a bad conditiontwo kittens in a bad condition
Credit: YouTube

She took them to her vet, who determined that they were suffering from infections. 

The vet told Vicki that she had made the right call by bringing them in, but he also warned her that their infections were severe and would require proper care and treatment. 

So, Vicki did what any other compassionate person would do – she took them in and provided them with the care they needed.

close-up photo of kittens with infected eyesclose-up photo of kittens with infected eyes
Credit: YouTube

She gave them their meds, groomed them, cleaned their eyes, and did everything she could to help them recover.

“Every night I was cleaning their eyes, giving them antibiotics, and just making sure their eyes were clear of the gunk that they had.”

woman cleaning cat's eyeswoman cleaning cat's eyes
Credit: YouTube

After about a week under Vicki’s care, both kittens showed significant improvement. Their energy levels soared, they began eating more, their eyes fully opened, and they became more active. 

It was then that Vicki felt confident they would both recover. Initially, she intended to care for them until they were healthy, then reunite them with their mother. However, the mother cat never returned.

bottle feeding two kittensbottle feeding two kittens
Credit: YouTube

Vicki then thought to herself:

“Ok, I’m their mom now, I guess.”

Three times a week, Vicki livestreams her video games, playing and hanging out with the gaming community. When the kittens were still young, she even fed them during her streaming hours.

“I would just do that on stream and everyone loved it.”

kitten eating from a bottlekitten eating from a bottle
Credit: YouTube

“I just figured they were going to be very involved in my life, so I want to share that with the community, as well.”

She named her furry friends Apollo and Artemis. Now that they’re all grown up, they know exactly when Vicki’s in the middle of her game, so they come and sit at her desk or next to her keyboard.

hand petting a cathand petting a cat
Credit: YouTube

However, it seems like having two cats came in handy for Vicki because every game she loses, she blames it on the cats. Lol! She always says:

“Oh, yeah, sorry. I have two cats on my desk, what can I do?”

cat lying next to a computercat lying next to a computer
Credit: YouTube

When she looks back now, she realizes that taking Apollo and Artemis in and caring for them has been a lot of work.

“Just constantly feeding them, making sure they were still breathing, but it didn’t feel like much work to me. Like, I woke up excited to see them.”

female video game streamer holding a catfemale video game streamer holding a cat
Credit: YouTube

I totally get her! I had a similar experience when I rescued Mikey. I found him in my neighbor’s backyard, his eyes closed and horribly malnourished. 

The vet prescribed antibiotics, eye drops, and more – it was quite a process. It was tough and scary, especially since he was so tiny and weak, but he had to take all those meds. 

Thankfully, he pulled through, and today, I can’t imagine my life without him. How about you? Do you have a rescue story you’d like to share with us?

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