Cat In Need Turns To Fire Station For Help Getting Warm

Cats are tough creatures, but sometimes, they need a little help in life. And one kitty facing a Canadian winter night in the middle of January knew just who to turn to in her time of need—firefighters!

When the staff at the Steinbach Fire Department in Manitoba saw sweet Ember at their window begging to come in, they couldn’t leave her out in the freezing temps. Ember immediately settled into the safety and warmth, plying her rescuers with lots of kitty hugs and kisses.

Out of the Cold and Into The Bath

To find out if sweet Ember had gone missing from a home, the fire department posted messages on social media asking if anybody was missing their kitten, and if they were, could they come and get her. Though the fire department’s Facebook followers proclaimed love for Ember, no one came forward to say she was their missing cat, meaning she was a wild kitten who’d been making her way outdoors and alone.

RELATED: A Tale Of Two Foster Kittens & Their Dog Friend Brings A Reminder For Cold Days 

Despite living in the winter cold and having a touch of frostbite on her ears, Ember was proclaimed a healthy girl during a trip to the vet. After the vet trip, her new friends helped her get cleaned up, sharing, “She had a bath and smells much better than when she showed up at our door.”

While Ember wanted to stick around with her fire rescue buddies, she took to Facebook and shared, “As much as I might like to, it is not practical for me to stay at the fire station.”

The Steinbach station doesn’t run full-time operations, “so the station is not continuously staffed.”

“A kitten like Ember needs a lot of love and attention and unfortunately the station can go days without someone being there.”

Forever Found

It didn’t take Ember long to find the forever home that would deliver all the love and attention a kitty could ever want! Her family told the Steinbach Fire Department how well their two-toned tabby lady had settled in, sharing, “She’s found a nice spot to call her own and has really made this home. I cannot believe how well-behaved she is – exactly what we’ve been looking for!”

“She’s super cuddly, loves curling up in anybody’s lap – even when they’re not a cat person lol.”

So, it seems Ember knew a fire station was the purrfect place to go when a cat finds they need some help! Not only did she find warmth and safety with the firefighters, but she also found her forever.

Want more fire kitties? Check out Firefighters Save Kitten From Car Engine (Plus Meet Some Real Firehouse Cats!)

Feature Image: Steinbach Fire Department/Facebook

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