The Video Of A Little Girl Singing To Her Beloved Cat One Last Time Is Bound To Break Your Heart

The Video Of A Little Girl Singing To Her Beloved Cat One Last Time Is Bound To Break Your Heart

The Video Of A Little Girl Singing To Her Beloved Cat One Last Time Is Bound To Break Your Heart

The Video Of A Little Girl Singing To Her Beloved Cat One Last Time Is Bound To Break Your HeartThe Video Of A Little Girl Singing To Her Beloved Cat One Last Time Is Bound To Break Your Heart

Every true pet parent knows how our pets easily capture our hearts and become an important part of our lives. They aren’t just pets or furry friends, they genuinely become cherished members of our families.

And, who can prove that better than kids? When children develop a strong bond with animals, their compassion shines through. They’re innocent and sincere and aren’t afraid to show it.

But, before you scroll down and watch this heartbreaking video, I suggest you prepare lots of tissues nearby – trust me, you’ll need them.

The video below shows a heartbreaking moment featuring a little girl singing the song “You Are My Sunshine” to her cat, one last time before the kitty passes away.

This young girl named Abby is just 4 years old, yet Bailey the cat has been by her side since she was born. 

Their connection is profound. Now, as Bailey approaches the end of his life, the little girl wishes to tell him goodbye through a song, while gently holding the cat in her lap.

Bailey, a faithful feline, shared a wonderful 14 years with this family. Sadly, Bailey has crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but the memory of him will undoubtedly live on forever.

This heartbreaking video has touched the hearts of people across the world, and I’m sure it will touch yours as well.

Share this with your dearest friends to show them what true love between a human and his cat really looks like!

READ NEXT: 20 Adorable Photos Proving That Kids Need A Cat In Their Life

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