Amazon Driver Delivers Cat To Safety After She Was Tossed From Car Window

Amazon delivery drivers do more than make customers happy by delivering their packages. They’re also heroes to cats in need! And thanks to a kind-hearted Amazon delivery driver, a young black cat can count herself lucky after being tossed from a moving car window onto a busy roadway.

At the intersection of Franklin Avenue and 46th Street in Des Moines, Iowa, the anonymous driver witnessed a person in the car ahead of him throw the kitten out of the vehicle. He immediately pulled over to save the day. Seeing the driver offered safety, the kitten ran into his arms. The driver then delivered the little one to Iowa Pet Foods and Seascapes in West Des Moines, where store owner Lori Sandahl welcomed her with open arms.

Photo: screenshot, KCCI/YouTube

Healthy, Purry, & Cuddly

It’s hard to believe someone could be so cruel as to throw a kitten out of a car, but sadly, some people don’t offer cats the care and respect they deserve. But lucky for this little black cat, she survived the cruelty and has now landed a second chance that will lead to a forever home where she’ll never have to doubt her safety again. And she’s been purring gratitude since the Amazon delivery driver put her in Lori’s care.

Lori told KCCI Des Moines 8, “She’s just full of life, purring from the moment she came in the front door.”

Photo: screenshot, KCCI/YouTube

“She knows she’s in a safe place.”

A checkup from the vet revealed the kitten to be healthy. And incredibly, she had no injuries from being thrown into traffic. Lori shared the kitten was not only healthy and unharmed, but she had a good appetite and couldn’t stop purring. Simply put, “She’s in good shape.”

The lucky little black cat is also housetrained and uses a litter box with no problem. And despite her ordeal, she’s one cuddly cat!

“She has been handled a lot, obviously. The way she is loving on me, rubbing on me,” said Lori. “There is no aggression or anything.”

Photo: screenshot, KCCI/YouTube

Cuddly Camera Cat

As KCCI correspondent Andrew Mollenbeck said of the kitten lovebug, “She’s a cuddler who also knows how to work the camera.”

Indeed, she does! During Lori’s interview, the kitten loved, snuggled, and made eyes at the lens.

Photo: screenshot, KCCI/YouTube

This sweet kitten will be ready for adoption once she’s made it through a bit of downtime, and Lori predicts she’ll find her forever home in a hurry because “she’s ready for lap time and cuddle time.”

Thanks to the kindness of the Amazon delivery driver, this good little cat survived her terrible ordeal.  And now, she’s been delivered a second chance at happiness after someone cruelly threw her away.

Feature Image: KCCI/YouTube

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