Crisscross Applesauce: 23 Adorable Cats and Dogs Crossing Their Paws For The Camera

Cats and dogs are too pure. We don’t deserve their preciousness!

Our fur babies are always adorable, but sometimes, those sweet little angels are extra cute. Both cats and dogs have mastered the art of charm, and certain moves, like the head tilt or rolling belly up, just reduce us to mush at their unbelievable levels of dreaminess!

And one of the cutest moves of all time, one that makes us want to give our critters anything and everything they want, is the crossing of the paws!

Pups look so fetching posed with their paws crossed. And kitties are just so prim and proper with their crisscrossed legs. Those furry legs stretched out long with paws poised politely, get us cute-overload-melty, so let’s get love drunk and gush over some adorable photos of cats and dogs crossing their paws…

Crossed Paws Equals Cute Pics of Cats and Dogs

Felines are cute when they sit so fancy, but why do cats cross their paws? Because it’s comfy, silly! And kitties are all about comfort, as Mila so well demonstrates…


So, why do dogs cross their legs? Same as cats! Dogs are connoisseurs of comfort, and crossing the paws not only feels good but looks good too. Roush serves as a fine and smiling example…

Oh! Look at this trio of Doxies, so cute, so polite with all three pairs of paws so pleasantly crossed…


Zelda cat sits with patient paws, sharing, “Trying to be on my best behavior while my brother gets better. I’m bored without him.” Get better soon, Ziggy! 


Graceful Grace is comfy now with her paws crossed and her kerchief tied tight, but if the squirrels don’t get right, there will be problems!


With such fantastically fluffy paws to cross, “Frenchie is very dignified.”

Bailey enjoys some sunshine daydreams with her dog paws stretched and crossed…


In his pristine pair of white socks so nicely crossed, this floofy ginger cat “perches comfortably on any bag.”

Their polite paws so perfectly posed, Asher and Yogi assure, “Yes, we put away all our toys!”


Yep, kitties find the crossing of paws so comfy; the next logical step is a yawn, followed by a cat nap…

Reginald the Goose needs you to know, “I’M SO FANCY.” Yes, you are, you fine feline lad…


Look! Have you ever seen paws crossed in the air? Wild dog Shadow shows us how…


Shivon the cat asks, “If I promised only to scratch my cat scratcher and nothing else in the house, BUT I had my paws crossed, does it really count? Asking for a friend…”

Little Luna has already learned the best manners; just look at those polite puppy paws!

Bow to the Master of Fluff, you may kiss the paw…

Pretty paws crossed, Phoebe and Ollie “woke up like dis…FLAWLESS!”


Maxzilla, a handsome tabby cat, offers his purrfect paws so the human minions may delight in his majesty!

Does sweet puppy Noodle have his back paws crossed? Yes, he does! Pure preciousness…


A gallery of dogs and cats crossing their paws? “This is Riled’s time to shine; he loves crossing his paws!”

Feature Image: @mila.ebba.thebirmancats/Instagram & @phoebe.ollie.barney_/Instagram

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