Cat Saves 97-Year-Old Woman from Four Pit Bulls

Recent studies on dog bites have shown that pit bulls are often involved in severe attacks. A five-year study found that 51% of serious dog bites were by pit bulls. A longer 15-year study in Kentucky confirmed that pit bulls, Rottweilers, and German shepherds were frequently involved in fatal attacks.

Sophie Thomas, a 97-year-old woman from Harrison, Michigan, had a close call a few years ago. While working in her garden, she was suddenly surrounded by four aggressive pit bulls. Sophie recalls, “All of a sudden, it was four big pit bulls rushing in, and they surrounded me.”

The dogs circled her threateningly, and one even lunged at her. Brave Sophie hit the dog on the head, making it back off. She remembers, “They kept going around and around. One of them kind of lunged for me, and I hit him on the head and he backed off.” But she was still in danger. “Then another one kind of came up, and I was scared stiff,” she says.

One of the pit bulls grazed her, and she felt trapped with no way out. Just when things seemed hopeless, her cat, Tiger, appeared. Sophie’s eyes lit up when she saw her cat.

Tiger, sensing the danger, quickly jumped into action. He bravely leapt into the middle of the chaos, distracting the dogs from Sophie. Then he ran toward the garage, leading the dogs away from her. Sophie told People Pets, “I do not know what would have happened if my cat hadn’t jumped in. She’s very close to me and follows me around. She’s very friendly with me, because I live alone.”

Sophie was worried about Tiger’s safety but was relieved when he returned to her door shortly after she had gone inside. Her brave cat had survived and saved her life.

The pit bulls belonged to Sophie’s neighbor, Ann Daniels. Ann said her dogs are usually “friendly” and blamed the incident on her son’s carelessness. She explained, “My son didn’t shut his bedroom door, and they went out of the window. I felt horrible.”

After the incident, Ann was fined $300, and her dogs were quarantined for ten days. While this was a significant penalty, it was necessary given the seriousness of the situation. Looking back, Sophie is very grateful for her cat’s bravery. She said, “I always thank God that my cat came. Because she was the one that really helped me out.”

Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.

This story shows the special bond between people and their pets and is a tale worth sharing.

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