Woman Makes Open Letter To Her Cat After She Is Diagnosed with Cancer

Gigi Pena and her family adopted Katy 15 years ago. She has been Gigi’s faithful friend ever since.

Dear Katy

“She’s the reason I am an animal activist today,” Gigi explains.

Katy was just diagnosed with cancer and the vet told the Pena family that Katy doesn’t have much time left.

dear Katy1

That was when Gigi decide to make an open letter to her cat, commemorating their long friendship and thanking Katy for teaching her that all animals have emotions and feelings, just like humans.

Dear Katy3

Dear Katy,

Watching you grow these past 15 years has been a pleasure
It’s hard to believe how long it has been
Dear Katy2When you look at me with those big innocent eyes
You truly melt my heart
Watching you sleep is the best
You look so peaceful when you rest
You make any problems fade away
You make my day everyday just be being you
I love it when you cuddle next to me
And sleep on my feet
I know how much you love it when I rub your chin
And when I feed you your favorite food
But it has been 15 long years my dear
And the years have taken a toll on your health
It’s not looking very good
Thank you for putting a smile on my face every day
And for being more than a mere pet
A friend
A family member
I Love You, Katy

Watch her touching video tribute to her kitty below:

We all feel for the Pena family as they deal with Katy’s illness. If you wrote a letter to your cat, what would you say? Tell us in the comments.

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